Gavyn Holt
Web Developer

Portfolio picture of Gavyn Holt

Hi, I'm Gavyn.

I'm a front-end web developer who is passionate about finding elegant and clean solutions for modern web applications. I strive to stay curious in my continued learning, and I love to find opportunities to inspire and uplift those around me. I also get quite excited when I'm able to find and fix a problem before it bubbles to the surface.

As a former musician and educator, I’m grateful to have been entrusted in leading the growth and development of my band mates, and in helping my students realize their potential in their musical studies. In my free time, I enjoy traveling and exploring the world to find new mountains to climb and studying the Japanese language.

Technical Skills

  • Javascript (ES6)
  • React
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • SCSS
  • jQuery
  • Responsive Design
  • Accessibility
  • RESTful API
  • Git/GitHub
  • Java

Critical Skills

  • Leadership
  • Mentorship
  • Problem Solving


  • Drums
  • Hiking
  • Camping
  • Japanese (JLPT N3)
  • Mail
Screenshot of project: Trivia Time

Trivia Time

  • React
  • SCSS
  • Firebase
  • RESTful API

Gather some friends and put your knowledge of random things to the test. This multiplayer game of trivia features multiple game rooms stored on Firebase Realtime Database, allowing multiple concurrent games to be played. Each player answers 10 trivia questions and passes the device hot seat style for the next player's turn. At the end of all rounds, all player's game data is automatically added to the Firebase leader board.

Screenshot of project: Hang Man

Hang Man

  • React
  • SCSS
  • Firebase
  • RESTful API

This single player game is based off the rules of classic Hang Man. Each round, the user is given 6 tries to guess the word, one letter at a time. Any wrong guesses lose points, as does retrieving a word hint. Words are randomly generated from a 3rd-party API, then cross referenced to the Merriam Webster Dictionary API for a word definition. As an error handling method, any random words generated that cannot also retrieve definition are discarded, and up to 3 further attempts are made, recursively. At the end of the game, the user can post their name and round status to the leader board, hosted by Google Firebase's Realtime Database.

Screenshot of project: The Recipe Wizard

The Recipe Wizard

  • HTML5
  • Javascript (ES6)
  • SCSS
  • RESTful API

Generate recipes by checking what ingredients are in your pantry. When you've found an interesting recipe, click on the card to open a modal for a fully-detailed recipe and instructions, complete with an option to print. Features in this project include: popup modals, API error handling, responsive design, AODA accessibility, and the use of a CSS print media query.

Drop a note

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